I don’t believe that one must go past the means of what is necessary to explain. However, how far is too far and what is insufficient? Ironically, it’s quite complicated to question the description of simplicity. When it comes to health and fitness. Nothing is simple.
Having said that, there are many questions that can be answered simply. However, the simple answers don’t always feed the dogs. Everybody is always asking for proof, especially when it doesn’t match there own (and often uninformed) hypotheses.
“One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.”
– Occam’s Razor
Simplicity, an often pursued, intangible item. Once again, I quote a former professor:
Two Rules of Life:
1. People seek simplicity
2. Nothing is simple
“It seems better to employ the principle known as Occam’s razor and cut out all the features of the theory that cannot be observed.”
– Stephen Hawking (A Brief History of Time)
Mr. Hawking makes sense. What’s the point of speculating about things that cannot be observed? However, if no one ever pushed the envelope to explore new things, (questioned the once thought unobservable), where would we be now? Would the world still be flat? Would Thomas Edison have given us the light bulb?
Starting to get a little complicated, ay? Where do you draw the line between crazy and possible? Why am I asking so many questions in this post? Perhaps, I do not have all the answers. Maybe, just maybe, I have as many questions as you do.
This predicament may be the only rationale you need for asking questions. In my opinion, a lack of questions is directly correlated to one’s ambition, or thirst for betterment.
I promise to always push the envelope, to challenge the status quo, and expand my knowledge and skill set to further myself, as well as my clients and readers. As long as I question, I thirst for betterment. That’s one thing that’ll separate me from merely surviving. I don’t want to merely survive; I want to live. My questioning provides the energy of life for me.
When it comes to interpreting the answers, the real questioning begins. Vicious circle. However, you must have the context in mind. Are these answers meaningful to me?
That’s the beast you need to pick a fight with. This industry is in a state of information overload, and at the same time, not giving you all the facts. People with their own agendas in mind take advantage of this. They’ll pick and choose information and put it together they way it best serves them (a.k.a. profitability).
But, let me clear the air. There are great companies and people who truly want to do good and help others achieve their goals. There are people out there who haven’t sold their character and integrity to the highest bidder. Good is still in this crazy world and I intend to help bring it out. As of now, I am not affiliated with any company, product, etc. If the opportunity ever arises, I pledge to make sure the entity meets my standards and beliefs. If they’re not making a Relentless, daily stride to becoming Stronger: Physically, Mentally, & Spiritually, they are not up to my standards.
It is out of mere caution that I take the stance I do. If you don’t question everything you hear (and by all means, question me as well), you’ll never find the ultimate truth for you. Individually, we are all here for a specific purpose. Our Creator bestowed certain passions and skills upon each one of us. It is up to us to use those in a way that would glorify Him through the footprints we leave behind on this earth.
Simplicity, is not what we’re after here guys. Seeking simplicity, is merely spinning the wheels. No matter how hard you push that pedal, your wheels spin faster and faster, but you go nowhere. People underestimate the power of a good question. It can change the world. It could change your life.
I hope my writing not only encourages you in the gym, in the kitchen, but in every endeavor in life. If all I do is make you, physically look better and not change your mentality for the better or stoke the spiritual fire, I’ve failed you guys. Each day I promise to Relentlessly Pursue a better tomorrow not only for myself but for all those around me.
“I want to leave a legacy. Not so people can remember my name, but so they remember how I made them feel. I inspired them to action, and through those actions, they were reborn. They became the person they were meant to be; they left their mark on this earth.”
– Nick LaToof
1 Comment
Lisa Provost · January 26, 2015 at 4:13 am
I love you! This is good reading & I am so proud of you!
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