Shining a Light – Debunking Common Fitness Myths

Shining a Light

The fitness industry is rather corrupt and money oriented. Supplement companies and trainers after their own agendas take advantage of the unknowledgeable consumers. They take bits and pieces of information and piece them together how they see fit. The way they see fit is to sell you a product. They’ll sell you a training program, supplement, or anything really. I hope this blog will shine a light on the fitness ‘bro science’ malarkey.

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Rethink the Weights, Ladies

Pick Up a Dumbbell, Gain 10 lbs

You walk in the gym, proceed to place your things in a locker or cubby hole, walking past all the weight machines and dumbbell racks (twice), and then toward the treadmill where a casual stroll (at best) is performed while watching an old episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. This stroll lasts anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour (for the dedicated).

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